We would like to introduce following 4 topics on our presentation.
1. Company Profile
2. Our Product
• The feature of our special marine application.
• Energy saving system product including Shaft Generating System & Electric Propulsion System.
3. Generator Maintenance & Trouble Shooting Guide
4. Service Network
We prepared promotion short movie of "eco-solution product" including Electric Propulsion system, Shaft Generating System, and Energy Saving Fan.
The average life-expectancy of a vessel is 30 years; in order to ensure this, Taiyo Electric has been providing reliable and high-quality products developed through our expertise and skills accumulated over the last 100 years.
One such technology is the eco-solution product.
Since our establishment as a manufacturer of electric equipment and machinery for marine use in 1917, we have built up a wealth of experience over almost 100 years.
we manufacture and sell electric equipment and machinery, including generators, various electric motors, ventilation fans, switchboards, starters and engine control consoles as well as system products such as thyristor-type shaft generating systems and inverter control systems.
Taking advantage of our wealth of experience and expertise as a total supplier, we provide equipment and systems tailored to each vessel environment, thus earning the trust of the marine transport and shipbuilding industries in Japan and around the world.